VINOVERT - Wines, competitiveness, environmental and health policies for companies in the SUDOE region
VINOVERT was an innovative and structuring project for the wine sector in south-western Europe (the SUDOE zone). Its aim was to guarantee the long-term competitiveness of companies by anticipating the environmental and health requirements of the markets and commercialisation circuits, in particular by offering guarantees of 'naturalness' and environmental responsibility.
The following activities were carried out to achieve this goal:
- Varietal innovations and technical-economic challenges: assessing the technical and economic opportunity for using resistant varieties for wine production in the SUDOE region, as a long-term solution;
- Evaluation of conversion capacity and adoption of environmental practices: evaluate the technical and economic opportunity for a reduction in phytopharmaceuticals in the vineyard;
- Oenology and markets: this activity is dedicated to experimental markets and aims to assess consumer demand for wines produced with fewer oenological inputs, particularly sulphites, identifying the price they are willing to pay for this type of product, as well as their choices and contradictions (organic wine and natural wine);
- Sector and institutional environment organisations: identifying the obstacles and institutional levers for adapting the wine sector in the SUDOE region;
- Communication: motivating wine producers to move towards the new strategic guidelines. Publicising the results of the project, in particular the market surveys and the White Book on regulations.
Vinovert proposed an important multidisciplinary approach, which simultaneously mobilised work in economic sciences, sociology, agronomy and oenology, various types of companies (winegrowers, cooperatives, companies providing oenological services) and institutions.
Direct partners
- Université de Bordeaux, Chef de file
- Viticultores Martin Codax, S Coop Galega
- Associação para a Desenvolvimento da Viticultura Duriense
- Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries
- Ecofiltra – Sociedade de Representações, Unipessoal, Lda
- Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique de Montpellier
- Dão Sul, Sociedade Vitivinicola S.A.
- Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
- Adega Cooperativa de Palmela, CRL Adega de Palmela
- Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique – Centre Bordeaux Aquitaine
- Instituto Superior de Agronomia
- Les Vignerons de Buzet
- Fundació centre de reserca en economia i desenvolupament agroalimentari upc-irta
- Instituto Nacional de Investigaçao Agraria e Veterinaria, I.P
- Les Vignerons de Tutiac
- Adriano Ramos Pinto Vinhos AS
- Bordeaux Sciences Agro - Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Sciences Agronomiques de Bordeaux Aquitaine (France)
- CIVB - Conseil Interprofessionnel des Vins de Bordeaux (France)
- CIVL - Conseil Interprofessionnel des Vins du Languedoc (France)
- CVRPS - Comissão Vitivinícola Regional da Península de Setúbal (Portugal)
- FENADEGAS - Federação Nacional das Adegas Cooperativas (Portugal)
- INAO - Institut National de L´Origine et de la Qualité (France)
- INCAVI - Instituto Catalán de la viña y del vino (Espagne)
- Inno´vin - Cluster de la filière Vitivinicole en Aquitaine (France)
- LAFFORT – L´oenologie par Nature- (France)
- L´Olivera - Cooperativa vitícola en Cataluña (Espagne)
- SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Suède)
- SYSTEMBOLAGET - Office de commercialisation des vins et spiritueux (Suède)
VINOVERT - Consortium meeting in Lisbon,
VINOVERT - Final consortium meeting. Barcelona, 11 and 12 April 2019.
Vinovert website
Facebook Vinovert