PreVineGrape - Development of a natural biofungicide to combat wine tree contaminants


The PreVineGrape project aims to be a natural and innovative solution for the wine industry, through the development of an efficient biofungicide, without adverse effects, validated in vitro and in loco, involving a wide range of specialized evaluations and resources.

The natural fungicide agent (biofungicide) will provide high efficiency in the fight against downy mildew, powdery mildew and botrytis cinerea, which are responsible for great losses in vineyards. This biofungicide can also be applied to other crops affected by the same fungi, and even have an effect against other pests, thus being a product of high acceptability for the entire wine industry, which can also develop wines with sustainable seal based on the elimination of chemical agents in their agricultural practices.


  • Deifil, Technology, Lda.
  • Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (IPB)
  • Sogrape, Vinhos, S.A.
  • João Nicolau de Almeida & Filhos, Lda
  • ADVID - Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Viticultura Duriense