LivingSoiLL - Healthy Soil to Permanent Crops Living Labs

LivingSoiLL - Healthy Soil to Permanent Crops Living Labs

Healthy soil is at the centre of the European Green Deal and is one of the Mission Council's main objectives. The EU is currently struggling with soil degradation, which is undoubtedly linked to the intensification of agriculture. A new paradigm for soil management, monitoring, recovery and protection must therefore be an endeavour of farmers, scientists, companies, politicians and citizens. The LivingSoiLL project aims to respond to these challenges by setting up 5 Living Laboratories (LLs) in PT, FR, ES, IT and PL, centred on permanent crops (vineyards, olive groves, chestnut groves, hazelnut groves and apple orchards), comprising at least 50 demonstration sites and 10 lighthouse farms, with the active participation of more than 2000 local agents. These LLs will focus on improving soil health and ecosystem services through the co-creation, co-implementation and co-testing of (digital) solutions to reduce erosion, improve soil structure, reduce the impacts of intensive fertiliser and pesticide use, increase water storage, strengthen soil biodiversity and overall soil resilience. By promoting locally tailored innovative solutions, spreading sustainable soil management practices and strengthening soil literacy, LivingSoilLL will contribute to the overall improvement of soil health and environmental resilience.
The LivingSoilLL project is also designed to produce policy recommendations on the best soil management practices in permanent crops to reduce erosion, while promoting other soil health indicators. Through the proposed approach, the LivingSoiLL project aims to contribute to creating the conditions necessary for the EU to be able to maintain healthy soils for future generations.