The CoaClimateRisk project, funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, aims to assess climate change impacts and adaptation measures for the main agricultural crops in the Côa Valley.
For this purpose, a set of the latest regional climate models, forced by recently developed greenhouse gas emission scenarios, will be used to generate high quality climate projections. Adaptation measures will also be simulated in future climates, such as the irrigation, plant cover and variety selection.
The collected data will contribute to calculate a high-resolution bioclimatic zoning of the selected crops in current and future climates, with a forecast up to 2100. This zoning will reveal not only the current, but also the future suitability of a given region for a specific crop.
Subsequently, dynamic crop models will be used to assess the impacts of climate change on potential crop productivity at the local scale.
The Coa Climate Risk project has as partners, besides ADVID, the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD), SOGRAPE, the CÔA PARQUE foundation and the University of Minho.