ReWine| Re-design, Re-adapt and Re-invent, towards a Circular Economy
ReWine is an educational program to promote good practices of Circular Economy already implemented by some companies in the wine sector and that has as main objectives:
- to contribute to an active citizenship in the area of Circular Economy, focused on the awareness that Circular Economy is a path towards achieving Sustainable Development;
- to disseminate information and create social awareness regarding the Circular Economy;
- to promote the transition to a circular economy and thus to create a more resilient, adapted and competitive territory, both in terms of resources and the political demands that are imposed;
- to promote the investment in environmentally friendly technologies;
- to support companies in innovating and becoming players in the green economy;
- to share experiences between economic agents in the sector and to promote synergies between them.
Co-financed by the Environmental Fund and ENEA2020, the ReWine project will be based on the three principles of the circular economy - Natural Capital Preservation and Enhancement; System Promotion and Efficiency and Resource Optimization.