Agricultural advisory service


Initiated in 2018 in partnership with CAP, the Agricultural Advisory Service (AAS) has national coverage, involving a visit by the technician to the beneficiary holdings.

The Service comprises the following thematic areas:

(a) Mandatory: Cross-compliance; Climate and environmentally beneficial agricultural practices ("greening"); Maintenance of agricultural activity; Occupational safety;
b) Voluntary: Measures to protect water quality; Farm level measures; Sustainable use of plant protection products; Setting up of young farmers for the first time; Minimum requirements of agri-environmental measures.
The Agricultural Advisory Service, free of charge to farmers, represents an added value for them as it allows them to increase not only their knowledge, but also that of their farm, benefiting from a reasoned opinion from third parties and, consequently, enabling informed decision-making to adopt better agricultural practices and resolve any non-conformities identified.

In short, this Agricultural Advisory Service, which is voluntary and available to farmers all year round, aims to make them more aware of the links between material flows and agricultural processes, on the one hand, and the standards and requirements relating to the principle of cross-compliance on the other, as well as making them aware of such an important issue as safety and hygiene at work.